Nutrition and Fitness expert Michele Rusinko shares why we women tend to accumulate belly fat and what we can do to tone it way down.  Listen to our interview below by clicking on the pretty picture.  

Michele_RusinkoMichele Rusinko, inspired by her own healthy transformation, studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a board-certified integrative nutrition health coach.  Her passion for cooking and recipe developing led her to perform healthy cooking demos at Whole Foods Markets, Scottsdale resorts and other local Phoenix area venues.  Michele is also a passionate speaker on wellness and is an ACE-certified personal trainer.                              

In late 2013, she published her first book, “Simply Seasonal: a Simple Guide to EatingMichele Rusinko Delicious and Nutritious Food” after Dr. Mark Hyman released two of her recipes in his book “The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook”.  Previously, Michele had a career in consumer product sales and marketing, traveling extensively and visiting all 50 U.S. states and 25 countries.  Her philosophy is simple – making it easy to make good choices – and her mission is to change people’s lives for the better.

You can get free and frequent wellness tips from Michele on her facebook page:  or visit her website at


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