I respect my body and take time to restRest time is natural, preventive medicine

Sometimes I am so exhausted I simply cannot function. It’s then that I take the time to nurture myself with a nap, a rest on the couch or legs up the wall pose.  Granted, working from home gives me the advantage of being able to take a break more easily than someone who is working full-time at an office. If you’d like to have more of this time, check out my work-from-home business opportunity.

Rest time doesn’t need to be during the day necessarily. You can use your weekends and evenings to catch up on some needed R & R.

One way to offer yourself the gift of quiet rest is to take a restorative yoga class or yoga nidra class. These are designed to calm the central nervous system AND the brain waves which allow healing to take place within the body and mind. You can often find these classes somewhere in your city in the evenings and weekends. If not, check out some YouTube videos which have tons of ideas for restful yoga practices. Here’s one of mine:

If you’re at work during the day and you can take a break for 5-10 minutes, shut your office door, set your alarm for 10 minutes, close your eyes and just breathe. Stay focused on the sound, length and quality of the breath. Use this time to clear and re-set your mind for a positive finish to the rest of the day.

A great oil to use for this type of meditation or to assist you in getting more rest is Serenity Restful Blend. It has a combination of Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Sweet Marjoram, Cedarwood, Vetiver and Ho Wood and is really delightful to the senses. You can get your Serenity Restful Blend at www.mydoterra.com/bringmebliss.





Repeat several times during your meditation or your day, “I respect my body and take time to rest.” Give your body what it needs – water, exercise, good nutrition and rest – and you will feel at the top of your game all the time!  Have a beautiful week!