Monday Mantra ReleaseChoose to Let Go!

Let's first address your highest purpose. We all have a purpose. We were designed to learn, grow and share. When we grow into our full potential or as we are growing into our potential, we begin to share our gifts and talents with the world. Knowing your highest purpose is knowing yourself really well and what you want to give and achieve in the world.

But let's be honest, we often allow things, people and activities to suck our time KNOWING that it doesn't align with our goals or aspirations. Why do we do this? Well, we do it for a variety of reasons which could include feeling obligated, getting distracted, procrastinating, being in toxic relationships and so forth. 

Now let's just say that we are actually AWARE that this is happening…that we KNOW we're being distracted or affected negatively by a person or people…and we're wondering how to retract from the behavior or company. It's not always easy – in fact it can be quite difficult sometimes – to withdraw from a relationship or change a behavior. 

Today's MANTRA is an offering to support the conscious decision to move forward in life and do what's most important for your highest calling. While you may not have the answers right now as to HOW to make a change, this mantra will bring to your consciousness the awareness and a "calling to the universe", your desire for information and wisdom to make change happen.

Release means to get free from confinement, bondage, obligation or pain. It also means to get free from anything that restrains. Is there something or someone that is holding you back (restraining) from accomplishing your goals? 

Now is the time to give yourself permission… loosen, dismiss, shake off that which is keeping you in bondage. Listen, it may not be a behavior or a person that holds you back. It could be you and something in your mind. Once you have an awareness of what it is, you can choose to  liberate yourself – emancipate yourself – to be completely who you are and forge ahead, aligning with your highest self.  

Sit still for a 5-10 minute meditation. Take this time to repeat today's mantra over and over, allowing it to sink deep into your heart. You will be surprised at how information or the support that you need will turn up when you least expect it long after this meditation. (Hopefully not too long!)

If you don't yet know your highest purpose, spend time alone, journal, pray and consider all that you are and want to be. Seek wisdom from the highest sources and work on this as it could very well change the course of your life and bring you more bliss than you can imagine.