AWAKEHow AWAKE are you?

Did you notice how you're feeling today? Have you checked in with your mood or emotional side? What kind of energy are you dealing with? Have you noticed how your family is feeling? Did you hear the birds this morning? Did you notice the sky? Can you feel your toes now as you're reading this message?

Is you breath shallow or deep right now? I'm guessing it's shallow because we don't naturally breathe deep. We have to notice our shortness of breath before we can lengthen it. Being awake means being present to all that is going on within you and around you. Noticing everything means you see, hear or feel what's going on yet you don't necessarily attend to everything. You decide where to place your attention.

Sometimes when I'm walking towards the amazing spa I teach yoga at, I'm thinking about what I'm going to teach that day. Sometimes I will notice the weather; sometimes the beautiful landscape. Other times I will pray on my way towards the building. Other days I will notice how tired I am and then give myself a pep talk to say I can rest later.  

When you practice mindfulness – being in the present moment – you tend to notice more what's going on around you and inside of you. It's a discipline; a practice. The natural state of bliss is only realized when you are still enough to pay attention. Being present with your thoughts and where they come from is helpful in deciding how you're going to move about your day or night.

Being AWAKE is being fully conscious – or as much as you can – on a 24/7 basis. When I'm fully conscious I notice everything!  Aroma, landscape, temperature, body aches and pains, body positives, other people's behavior/moods/situations, surrounding energy. My antennae is up all the time. 

Sit quietly and try this before closing your eyes: Widen your peripheral vision. In other words, see how much more of your environment you can take in and notice what you can see. As I write these words I can see my bookshelf to the right and a lighting fixture to my left. The carpet is in view also. Above me I see my bulletin board – even though I'm not looking at it. The arms on this chair I'm sitting on are just barely in my vision.

Now that you've expanded your vision, remember that you can do that anytime you want. Close your eyes now and repeat to yourself, "I notice everything, because I'm AWAKE."  Sit for 10-15 minutes and enjoy this quiet meditation that is sure to expand what you take into your consciousness. Remember, you can choose what you hold onto and what you release. As you meditate, notice the thoughts that come your way other than the mantra, then give attention only to the ones that are necessary. Maybe come back to those thoughts later after your meditation time.

A great companion oil for this mantra is Peppermint. Peppermint essential oil is The Oil of a Buoyant Heart and is very invigorating. I use this oil every morning on the back of my neck to help me wake up!  I also use it before a yoga practice myself and with my students. 

Not all essential oils are created equal. If you want 100% Pure Certified Therapeutic Grade essential oils, fill out the form below and I will send you information on how to get them.