I am Healthy and WholeStrength lies in Intention

…and affirmation…that we are healthy and whole and that we intend to live our lives as such.

This is an important mantra. It reminds us that we have some power to maintain our good health and to prevent that which causes disease physically, mentally and spiritually. It keeps our minds positive, re-directing our fearful thoughts into messages of truth and well-being.

Repeating “I am Healthy and Whole” as you breathe deep into the heart space will bring you present-moment peace and tranquility. Chant this mantra as you meditate in the morning or evening, as you’re driving to work or sitting at your desk. Write it down on a sticky note. Share this post with your friends on facebook. But don’t just say it, believe it! If you don’t believe you are healthy and whole, perhaps you have some specific actions you’ve been wanting to take towards better health. Use this mantra to help you make the shift to healthy habits that support your wholeness.

This week on my facebook page, I am focusing on the immune system. Stay tuned for all the info coming your way that will help keep you informed on how to stay healthy and whole during the busy holiday season.

The picture on this blog is created through PicMonkey using a Chakana (universal symbol of wholeness). I encourage you to look up this symbol and learn something new about your world.

Enjoy your mantra this Monday!  Have a wonderful week!

Utilize the Oil of Intention to aid in your mantra this week!  You can find your oils HERE.