Today's Mantra is about Seeking Guidance

Your GPS takes you where you want to go, right? Or maybe you're using Google maps. But you know the information doesn't come from your phone, or your GPS handpiece, right?  It comes from the satellite.

Now, Monday_Mantra_Satelliteif you were to go through life with no instruction and try to wing it on your own, you wouldn't get very far.  It just can't be done. We need help; we need guidance, teachors, mentors and friends to help us navigate through life.

I'm going to assume you believe in some kind of God – most people do – and we usually attribute an ever-present, all-knowing and all-powerful spirit who is responsible for our creation to that God. Now you don't have to believe in God to use this mantra; but you do need to believe that you're not all that, right?  As humans, we are sensible if we understand we're not the center of the universe and that there is something much greater than ourselves. Call it the universe if you want, but there is some force that knows us very well and gives us information to navigate our journey.

Consider this scripture from Psalm 119, “… “But your servant meditates on Your statutes.  Your testimonies also are my delight And my counselors.”

Sometimes, we ignore the information (which we often feel right in our gut) and we take wrong turns. And other times, when we are listening intently, we are right on target. Life seems sweeter when we have a guide.

Sit quietly and for 2-3 minutes, just focus on your breath. Notice the nuances of your breathing, whether you are holding onto your breath, have short and shallow breaths or are breathing deeper. Don't judge, just pay attention. After this breath awareness and with your eyes closed, repeat "God is the satellite to my inner compass" over and over silently to yourself. As your mind begins to wander – and it will – gently remind yourself that this is the time to connect with God the guide. Enjoy your time of doing nothing for 10-15 minutes but affirming that you wait upon God for direction in your life. 

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