bliss flower

Do you imagine laying on a beach, soaking up the sun and sipping margaritas?

margaritas on the beach

Are you thinking about how nice it would be to experience a relaxing massage?


Do you long for a gourmet dinner with beautiful ambience with your best friend?

romantic dinner

Perhaps a cappucino or caramel machiato would bring you bliss.  


Maybe it’s a great yoga class with a longgggg savasana.  Yum!


There are so many things that have the potential to bring us into a state…a state which I call Bliss…which translates to Supreme Happiness or Utter Joy or Contentment…True Serenity.  

These things are all great for bringing temporary happiness.  They reward us for hard work and help us to relax which is good for our health.  

My job as a yoga teacher is to MAKE PEOPLE FEEL BETTER!

Making people feel better actually brings me delight.  It’s my dharma…my purpose…and I am delighted to help YOU find more peace, tranquility and serenity through whatever means I can.  A good recipe, a restorative yoga pose, pretty picture.



Find your bliss today.