flower_raspberryHappy Mother's Day!

It never hurts to have a few nudges if inspiration or new ideas to help jump-start your special day. If you aren't a mother or don't have a mother, do not lose heart. Be a mother to someone – your dog, your neighbor's dog, someone in a nursing home, yourself! Bring someone bliss…nurture today and you will find peace in your heart. Here are 10 Self-Care Tips for Moms on Mother's Day!

1)  Upon waking up…take several deep breaths and say, "thank you, thank you, thank you."  A few words of gratitude for having the amazing privilege of being a mom will go a loooong way!

2)  Grab your favorite beverage – whether it's a Starbucks lalalalalattee or your own home brewed tea…start your day with a liquid treat.

3)  Hug your kids and tell them you love them.  Even if they're 26 and 23.  They will never get tired of hearing it. If your kids are grown and out of town, I know you'll connect. It's what families do. 

4)  If you aren't having brunch at an expensive all-you-can-eat buffet, enjoy a nice quiet space while sipping a cappucino and munch on one beautiful crisp croissant.  Oh my…it's the simple things.

5)  Go for a hike or walk with someone you love.  

6)  Take in a movie.  Could be pretty relaxing on a Sunday afternoon.

7)  For God's sake, don't cook!  Let God know you are completely trusting that someone besides you will take care of you today.  And…if you aren't exactly a mother, take yourself out to dinner!

8)  If your mother has passed (as mine has), buy yourself 3 flowers.  One for her, one for you and one for the next closest woman in your life.

9)  Take at least one hour to do something totally relaxing or rejuvinating. You might take in a yoga class or  sit and read one of the 6 books on your nightstand.  Do something you love.

10) End your day with another prayer of thanksgiving. There are many women who long to be mothers. Some are never able to realize that dream. Live well for them and remember that you will be leaving an imprint for future generations.  

Self Care starts with gratitude for this life, this body we are given and the opportunitiy to evolve into the best human being we can be.  God bless you and Happy Mother's Day!